Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tim Burnaman's YouTube Channel

post #3

I know this YouTuber named Tim Burnaman and he plays piano and sings in his videos. Tim is excellent, but there is no way people can view his videos. Even if you search for that song there are so many people who did it before him you'd have to go to a different page. He has a lot of potential, but I am his only subscriber, so it would mean a lot to me if you go over to his channel at and subscribe, like, favorite and do whatever you can to make other people see it. Thank you so so so much and LIVLAH (ma new nickname) will post something soon! Byezzz!

Pictures from TimBurnamansMusic's videos:


          <-This one obviously isn't

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys (If anyone actullay reads my blogs),

    It would really make me feel good if someone comments on one of my blogs so I know someone is actually reading this. If someone actually is and likes these blogs please share these with other people so they can see them too. Byezz!
